Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Overheard In The Computer Room

Few years back, I was trained by I-homemakers to assist in the training for some disadvantage and special women. I accepted the training because I too needed to improve my computer skills. I was paid and get to learn new things, so why not! It was a very interesting and meaningful experience.

We started by giving training to about 15 women.

Below are stories from some of the women. I am not an inquisitive person, so I usually don't ask too much about other's personal life. I should have asked the why, how, when, where ... so that I can tell more about them now. Below are some of the stories I overheard from them talking to each other. I usually squeezed in like busy body when I overheard something interesting like ghost, accident, lier or cheated.....

Anna, she was a police constable, divorced with 2 kids. Resigned from the post due to eye sight problem. She went for cornea transplant and her cornea was taken from a man who had committed suicide. After the transplant, she started seeing things that others don't see, the ghosts.... She used to see many people around when a normal person don't see any one at all, even in her room. The worst thing was sometimes she was not aware whether something that she felt was beside her was human or ghost. She said she is used to the company and although she is scared she has to take it that way...........

Callis, she is wheel chair bound. She was born normal but it happened one day when she was about 10 years old, after having high fever, her legs stop growing. She is not as tall as the normal person now and the leg is not able to support the weight of the body. She can drives and moves around on wheel chair. She has 2 children. She has a handsome husband, who is partially blind. During courtship, she drove the husband around, and he would carry her and she lead the way. A good match, he is handsome and she is pretty........

Betty, she has supernatural power. According to her, that was passed down to her by her grandparent. She would go round helping those who seek her help for a fee. I am not sure the accuracy, never asked about that. According to Anna, she was carrying something evil, something black following her. I dare not go near her, so worry the thing she brought with her would disturb others. Ya, nobody like to take chances right! Who knows ...

Doris, she is wheel chair bound due to an accident when she was about 21 years old. She was driving the car that led to the accident due to speeding. She regretted, but has got back the confident to live and is living happily travelling around. One day we went for a dinner, with the makeup on, wow, she looked sooo pretty......

Parry, her leg was shot during the 'Malaysian Riot', May 13 (what year??). She uses clutches to move around and sometimes uses wheel chair if she finds it difficult to walk far. She is operating a sundry shop with the help of her mother, not married, no children.......

Fanny, she registered herself in the match making agency where she met her ex-husband. They have 3 children. The ex was actually married with 1 child but swear to her that he was not married, and had no brother or sister, or relatives at all. Later she found out that the wive had left him because he was always jobless. She felt cheated and left him. She remarried later and became step mother for another 2 or 3 children not quite sure, she is now the mother and step mother of 6 children .........

That's all I can remember for now! Too sleepy to think....... going to ZZZZZzzzzzz

Good night!


eastcoastlife said...

Hi Molly,
Thanks for stopping by my blog.

Some women are less fortunate than others but they would emerge stronger ....

molly said...

Hi ECL, Nice to see you here.

Yes, tough experiences make a person tougher

Liang Mui said...

hi molly,
thx for dropping by at my blog too.

wow.. great stories. women can be as tough as men too.. and even stronger! ** salute to them!!

molly said...

Ya, you are right Liang Mui, and I find women can multi task better than men, you think so?

Liang Mui said...

of cos molly.. haha... our brain are build up to multi-task veli well.. haha.. u dun believe?? look at mamas.. they can nag and do housework at the same time.. haha :P

molly said...

Liang Mui - For mamas, that is automatic to them. I think they are not aware what they are nagging about at the end of the day. haha

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