Sunday, June 22, 2008

My Dog Has More Friends Than Me

It has been quite some time since I last put up a post a here. That was because I had been busy reading your blogs (including those who post a comment for me to trace back). See I have been wondering about at your blogs, as an invisible, silent reader, can you see me? Go check your visitors list, definitely you can catch me there reading without permission. What am I talking about! You are there to share Right? No need permission right? The more the merrier right? I always think like that, that's why I always enter like a snobbish VVIP, come and go without even saying "Hello".

Went for a wedding dinner last night. I was seated with my children and the rest were strangers. My friend is the family members, so she and the husband, although requested to be seated with us, has to go and sit at the VIP table.

What to do with those strangers? Food were more important, I thought? But still I cannot be acting snobbish like I acted in your blog as an invisible blog guest, right? So I said 'hi hello!', 'hello!, 'hello!" to all the couples at my table and shake hands to all of them including an overly-friendly cute little girl.

Next time, if I know the arrangement is going to be like that, I will not attend, even if you force me, threaten me, pull or push me or boycott me..... I've got my excuses prepared for the next invitation.

But then friendship is more important, right? Ya, awkwardness is secondary, friendship should come first, so don't worry, whoever you are I will definitely attend your dinner and make friends with the strangers after all they are either your collegues or relatives, right?

I really enjoyed the foods last night. They served the usual Chinese dishes like :

1. Special Hot & Cold Platter
2. Braised Sharks Fin Soup with Crab Roe, Cab Meat & Surimi
3. Roasted Suckling Pig Hong Kong Style
4. Ying Yang Star Garoupa
5. Poached Live Tiger Prawns
6. Braised Dried Oyster with Bean curd Skin & Vegetable
7. Steamed Glutinous Rice Hong Hong Style
8. Chilled Snow Pear with Sea-Coconut
9. Chinese Pastries Two Variety

I had 2 glasses of wine and now only I remembered the foot-reflexologist's advice, no more liquor hah! And I ate 5 big Tiger Prawns which I am not supposed to eat ORSO!

This morning my breakfast was - A glass of warm water with 3 table spoons of Apple Cider Vinegar and 1 tablespoon of Manuka Honey. After an hour, 2 pieces of bread with 1/2 a cup of coffee and an apple. This afternoon, my lunch will be stir fried vegetable with garlic and steam fish with toufu.

Hopefully all the cholesterol piled up last night will be reduced to the minimum.


Monica said...

oh no! now, I'm craving for Chinese food.. :-D

Anonymous said...

Yeah! the wedding dinner really feed people very full, felt the same! But I think I have a better digestive stomach :p the next morning I had my normal breakfast :p haha
Try to get interest in people's life, take the first move to break the silence! Sure you would get more friends around you!

molly said...

Monica - Now I craving for the spicy food you recommended on the earlier post ...

molly said...

Lianny - First thing I need to do is learn to be more talkative. I am a good listener, not a good talker, so now on I am going to reverse it!!

Mariuca said...

Hi Molly, what a cute post he he! Would have loved to see some pics of the food! :)

Mom Knows Everything said...

The best thing about going to a wedding is the meal. LOL They always have wonderful food at weddings don't they. :o)

molly said...

Mariuca - Good advice, I will do that next time, no, from now on whenever I go for makan-makan... Other bloggers always tempt me with the food photos, now I am going to tempt them, hahaha

molly said...

Tammy, Yes, and every body looks so wonderfully happy also, that why my children like to go for wedding dinner, join in the happiness.

ScoresTab said...

Sure, why not? Nice to meet you. I love P.Dickson beach very much.

molly said...

Lim - Thanks for dropping by.
Ya, PD is a nice place!

Mariuca said...

Eeeeee comel betul la!! I love it! :)

Btw, I have something for you at my blog, congrats! 

Mariuca said...

Oh no, did I just leave u a wrong comment Molly? Ha ha ha!! Sorry dear, what I meant to say was...

I have something for you at my blog, congrats! 

Sweet Jasmine said...

Hi Molly...its indeed a bad move of your host in seating you with latest dinner in KL was with relatives.

At least you had yr chinese food fro consolation...mine only fine just enough to fill corner of stomach so indulge in more bread rolls ..ha.ha..

Re: my blogroll..I see you have been pasting blog post address and blogspot address when I see your blogrolls. Here is how you correct it.

Go to yr blogroll edit. the list of blog will come out. Then click edit on the left side of the blog you want to edit. eg. click edit beside Rainbows and 2 white boxes will appear in place of Rainbows. You type in the name Rainbows on the first box which ask for 'Name' and then copy paste or type in my URL in the box that ask for
You can edit the rest of your blogrolls like this.

If you wanted to add in new blogs please type URL in the URL box only. Do not put URL adsress that has eg.http://... in the box which ask for new Site Name. this is for writing down the blog title like Home Sweet Home or Molly.

Hope all these helps ..if not u can ask me further. Happy blogging.

Ratu Syura said...

ok, now you've got me craving for chinese food just like Monica! haha.. maybe i should go for dim sum this weekend.. yummyyy..

molly said...

Hi Ratu, Ya, dim sum is nice, I like it very much.
Me too, when I see the spicy food posted by some of the bloggers, I crave for that and when I see western foods I turn to that, aiyoh, so many things to eat....

eastcoastlife said...

Wah! Lucky no 10 course dinner food pic ..... I'm waiting to have dinner with my hubby. heheeh....

I'm glad you decided not to be a lurker. :)

molly said...

Hi ECL, I should have taken some pictures, will do it next time.
No, I was just joking, I wont be one..

Sandra Carvalho said...

Hy Molly!
Thanks for stopping by!
Thanks for your lovely comment as well! ;)
~Take care~

molly said...

Hi Sandra, Thank you for leaving your footprint here :)

小偉 said...

Hi molly,
Thanks for visiting my blog.

I read you comment and you ask me about link exchange. I am very happy because you are the first one to ask for link exchange with my blog. I would love to link exchange with you.

I will link your blog, please link mine. Thanks. :)

eBlog Entrepreneur:

molly said...

Hi Jasmine, Thank you for taking time to try figure it out for me. Have tried again, came out the same. I will find some time to find out the reason, will leave comment at your blog for further assistance.

molly said...

Hi Greenleaf,
Thank you.
Keep blogging!!!

Liang Mui said...


Ingrid said...

A lot to eat, lol ! I love chinese, in London Chinatown you can get "real" one in all other European cities it's adapted to the European taste. What a difference !

New Kid on the Blog said...

hi drop by from liang mui's corner.
you have a good blog.

molly said...

Liang Mui - Haha, Dont torture yourself ....

molly said...

Liang Mui - Haha, Dont torture yourself ....

molly said...

Hi Gorrina, Great to see you here!
Thinking of Western foods now, it links me to wine, cosy place, soothing music ...

molly said...

Hi New kid, Thank you for leaving you foot prints here to enable me to trace you back!

Sweet Jasmine said...

Hi, Molly.I think the problem lies with my RSS feed..after much checking. will try to resolve the problem. Just forget the advice in my previous comment. It's my problem it seems.

Ratu Syura said...

Hi Molly! I have a tag for you.. :)

molly said...

Ratu - Tag for me? ok.... :) :) - The internets fastest growing blog directory