I went to her house the next morning. Felt a little sad, my tears rolled down uncontrollably when I saw her body lying there covered up. Why, why did I cry? I always think that it’s better not to linger around this world too long. It does give some pressure to someone closely related especially when the memory and consciousness are gone. Am I being selfish to think like that?
I didn't attend her funeral. That was because I went to attend my sister’s father-in-law’s funeral. He passed away on Thursday morning and the funeral was at 10.00 am Saturday morning also.
I would want to avoid going to any of the funeral because I felt uneasy in those places. I am scared of something I couldn't see. LOL. I believe that a lot of those unseen wanderers took the advantage of the situation to come by visiting. .... A r e.. y o u.. t h e r e?

I went to my sister’s house on Thursday night, when I came back at about 11.00 pm, my right hand side neighbor’s cute doggy was barking at me very fiercely as I entered the gate. He had never done that because he knows me very well. I was a little stunned I stood there and asked the doggy - "Why are you barking at me?" But he continued barking, very fiercely. I felt strange so I did the best thing I could do, chanting..... before I went in to my house. Don’t laugh, who knows what’s going on, only the god and the dog knew and they could only signal me. Well thank you god for alerting!
My father passed away in 1987. Continuously for few years he came into my dream. Sometimes I dream of him alive talking, sometimes I dream of his funeral, but the funeral in the dream was different from the actual one. Someone told me that's because he had a request but nobody could tell me how or what to do about it. That was when I started going into Buddhism seriously. I started learning chanting and prayer for my father.
After my eldest brother-in-law passed away, a big moth, looked old and worn out, like it's been flying a long distance, came into my office. Although I felt a little scared, I stared at the butterfly, guessing in my heart , "are you my brother-in-law, what do you want?" There's no answer. After that, continuously for a few years, I had dream of my brother-in-law still living like normal, but never about his funeral.

So, on one of the 15th day of the seventh month of Chinese calendar - the ghost's month, I asked my sister’s permission and gave my brother-in-law's name to a temple to do some prayer for him. My sister also did some necessary for him at a temple in Singapore. After that he stopped coming into my dream, I hope his request is full filled.
Am I normal? Or ....? Hei, dont think funny, ok!
Some say it's a gift and and curse, depends how you look at it.
I totally believe! My mother came to me a lot in the year after she died and she still does occassionally.
cc - I am possitive thinker, so take it as gifted. I think everyone has a little of that, right?
Tammy - All of them including one of my previous boss have stopped coming into my dream.
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