I used to peep at them through my son's window. They croo, they strut, they were actually very cute. They live peacefully with one another in community. The other sound used by the male to defence their territory and to attract mates is : coo roo-c'too-oo. I am not actually bird watching, but just that
whenever I was cleaning my son's window, I cannot missed looking out at them.
They were many times, a pigeon couple trying to built a nest at my house, but I have to chase them away, because they are a bit noisy and they would mess up the place with their droppings, which is also poisonous.
Some people keep pigeon as pet and make little house called 'coops' for their pet pigeon. They allowed their pet pigeon to go free, because unlike other birds, pigeon will come back home. But not many people will do that, including me. Luckily I dumped the idea of building the coops for them, otherwise now I would have plenty of problem cleaning up their dropping and also complain from the neighbour.
Some people keep pigeon as pet and make little house called 'coops' for their pet pigeon. They allowed their pet pigeon to go free, because unlike other birds, pigeon will come back home. But not many people will do that, including me. Luckily I dumped the idea of building the coops for them, otherwise now I would have plenty of problem cleaning up their dropping and also complain from the neighbour.
Now that they are being chased out of my neighbour's house, they have found another alternative place to built their nest.
Just like before, everyday morning without fail, they are at the garden near my house waiting for food. They are there about 7 am to 9.30 am for breakfast and from 4 pm to about 7 pm for dinner.. 
I notice most of the time there were people feeding them. For me I usually bring left over rice or bread for them. Some people would buy a loaf of bread to feed them ......
Dont you think they look more like a bunch of jobless pigeon, because nowaday nobody still use pigeon as messenger, their service is no longer needed.
I notice most of the time there were people feeding them. For me I usually bring left over rice or bread for them. Some people would buy a loaf of bread to feed them ......
Dont you think they look more like a bunch of jobless pigeon, because nowaday nobody still use pigeon as messenger, their service is no longer needed.
Here are some Nifty Bird and Science Words :
Rock Dove:the common name for the original pigeon
.Columba livia: the scientific name for pigeon
ornithology: the study of birds
iridescence: the rainbow-like shine found on the neck feathers of some pigeons
hackle: the neck feathers of a bird
.hen: an adult female pigeon
cock: an adult male pigeon
hatchling: a pigeon that has just come out of its egg (hatched)
squab: a young pigeon from 1 to 30 days old
.peeper or squeaker: a young bird that is learning to eat
fledgling: a bird that is learning to fly or has just taken a first flight
juvenile: a bird out of the nest and flying but less than eight months old
morph: a physical feature that is inherited
assortative mating:when males and females pair up based on their color.
You know, I hate pigeons. Once I made the mistake of parking my car under this tree that had a whole flock of pigeons on it and when I came out, my car looked like a spotted leopard with all their droppings all over. Took me ages to clean it off ... LOL!
Nick - They were once my neighbour but didnt give me any trouble. My neighbours are not better than these animals.
I like seeing pigeons in the park, but I don't think I would want them to roost near my house.
Tammy - Yes, for me too!
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