Sunday, July 27, 2008

Help Save The Earth!

Went for a talk about Garbage Enzyme by Dr (H) Joean Oon.


Dr Joean began to study enzyme and other naturopathy therapy from Dr Rosukon of Thailand since few years back. She is now an active speaker on Earth Saving through Garbage Enzyme.


Recycle begins from every household by transforming kitchen waste to environmental friendly garbage enzyme. This is an economic way to protect our living environment and reducing insects. Garbage enzyme make the soil more fertilize, vegetables and fruits taste better and grow stronger and it works great as fertilizer for plants and it can dissolve chemical pollutant; ideal replacement for house keeping products.


After the talk, all of us were given a bottle of Garbage Enzyme to take home. It smells mmmm..... fruity and a little sour, like apple cider, nice smell! But not for drinking because it is made from garbage from the kitchen. I think I will try to make some with fruit and vege for drinking, may be I can use honey instead of brown sugar. Will keep you updated if I am successful!


Yes, Global Warming can be reduced by using Garbage Enzymes. So do your bit and help reduce global warming for a cooler and healthier living environment for all of us, for our future generation.


Visit to learn how to make garbage enzyme and its usage.


Now that you've read about it and know that it can help save the earth, will you do your bit to help?


There will be a public talk on Earth Saving through Garbage Enzyme at the Change Climate program to be held on Aug 9 in Stadium Putra Bukit Jalil, Kuala Lumpur. The entrance fee is RM5 (redeemable for purchase at theme kiosks). To know more visit :

I strongly urge you to attend, it will be well worth your time.



Mom Knows Everything said...

We all have to do our part to save our planet. :o)

molly said...

Tammy, you can try make Garbage Enzyme as fertiliser for your plants. Just dilute and spray on the plant. Your plant will grow very well.
To make, you can add in kitchen waste everyday until the bottle is filled up then close it for 3 mths. Occationally open to let the air out. That's all!

Anonymous said...

this idea seems interesting. looks exactly like fruit enzyme that i saw on some other's blog O_o

Anonymous said...

I've gone to the fair I think 1 month++ ago at IKANO. They gave a talk too. My mom made the enzyme, now it's only 1 month old. My mom was so excited and thought to take some to mop the floor (ants was building around the house). My mom gave a small cup into a 3/4 full bucket of water to mop the floor.
Be very amaze! The 1-month enzyme gave the floor a very shinning effect that she could see her reflection! And the ant went off automatically!

molly said...

Xin, we can spread the words around about those links that teach people making Garbage enzyme. It's good for the environment because mathane gas which was produced by the animal and other waste trap 21 times more heat than Co2. :):)

molly said...

Lianny, i know that's very good but have no time to try yet.
You can go to the link, they teach you other usage also. It's really amazing!
I was impressed when I saw the testimony about how the plants bear so much fruits so often after spraying with the enzyme.

go green global said...

Go Green Global...Be part of the first 10,000 to adopt enzyme cleaning solution and influence the impact on our planet!
Do your bit to save our planet by going green.

go green global said...

Go Green Global....Do your bit to save the planet.Be part of the first 10,000 to adopt enyzme cleaning solution and influence the impact on our planet! - The internets fastest growing blog directory