Monica sent me this tag. I think she must be very curious what's in my handbag.
.Frankly speaking, I never like/allow any one to touch or look into my bag but this time is exception/out of no choice, because I've to satisfy Monica's curiosity.
.I am never curious of other's handbag, hence I will not tag anyone but if you have the courage to show off your bag's contents like Monica and myself, then please join in and do this tag.
.Here are the rules:
Find a safe quiet place free of significant others, nosey meme makers, priests, nuns, all things religious and men in general. (If you're a guy just reverse this process to male and tell us about your wallet, tool box, briefcase or metro sexual accessory.)
1. Dump the contents of your handbag in a pile.
2. Take a photo of your handbag and the contents.
3. Be brave and explain to your fellow bloggers what lurks inside the handbag.
.4. Tag others who might want to embarrass themselves.
5. Answer these questions:
Describe the contents of your handbag.
Wallet, cell phone, a pair of glasses, lip gloss, lipstick, car/house keys, compact powder, blusher, tissue paper, digital camera, cheque book, diary, pen.
.What's the most important thing in your handbag?
All the things are equally important.
What's the most embarrassing thing in your handbag?
An important outdated diary.
What's the smallest thing in your handbag?
5 cents coin.
Is there anything illegal in your handbag?
I did this meme too, but I cleaned all the old receipts and junk out of it first...shh, don't tell anyone. hehehe
Tammy - You're another daring one to show off the contents of your handbag. :):)
Friends used to tease me that I carried a hammer in my bulky, heavy handbag but I told them is gold bar. Now they know the secret. :(:(
I can't believe that's such a tag. LOL =) Anyway it's refreshing to know about it. Too bad I don't own a handbag. Ha =)
u put pen in ur bag at least ur bag got proper things mine is weird things lol
Haha, I don't own a hand bag too : )
Tekkuas - That shows how difference are man and women. Just cant imagin without handbag I will have to keep all my things under my arm pit, inside my bra behind my ear... haha so used to carrying a handbag around.
pretty - pen is a must item in my hand bag, it is more important than lipstick. If I have to choose only one to carry, it is pen. But I have lost so many to those who borrow from me :)
fongpc -I cant leave items like cheque book, diary with important information, camera, handphone, glasses, purse in my car, so handbad is a must for me.
Hi Molly, I'm back! :-D Thanks for doing the tag..
Monica - Wao, nice holiday ya!
haaa ppl steal ur pen eheh im the type dat borrow..ok i will post my handbag in my blog u go see sure u "hak tiok " see wan ahha
looks alot more organizsed than mine. mine is usually too full, or nothing it but a nappy and some papers lol (depends where im going!!)
pretty - Ok, will pop over to see.
Tina - The bigger the handbag, the more things I will add in like sunglasses, water tumbler etc... usually is very full too.
i think this tag is very interesting... i wanna use it to tag my other frens :D hope u dun mind?
mag - You are welcome to do the tag. Please go ahead and tag your friends too.
Molly, that is not my blog's URL! hahaha...
monica - I am terribly sorry about that. See, I am sooo careless!
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