For me, I am looking for a stove and a pair of sunglasses.
We went for our brunch then to Signature Kitchen for her kitchen design, after that we headed to IKEA. Spent more than 2 hours walking around but found nothing that suits us. We ended up at the electrical shops where she bought the exhaust fan, water heater, lightings, door bell, washing machine, etc.......

We are still looking for Rinnai Stove and a Kitchen sink.
.Anyone knows where to find the latest Rinnai Stove? We have been hopping from big and small electrical shops but couldnt find any shop that sells this brand.
.OK, One more week, if I still couldnt find Rinnai anywhere, I will just close my eye and get one! Any brand will do, in order for me to carry on with my life without depending on outside foods, which is killing! I mean both the price and quality of the foods.
.Went to Restaurant Shabu-Shabu for steamboat before we call it a day.

After almost a whole day shopping, we still couldnt find all that we wanted.
Huh! Now, it is 'Money not enought' or 'Time not enough'?
I've never heard of that brand before.
Haha! I think it's a case of time not enough. Got money to shop but cannot find the brand you want. Maybe just settle for some other brand lah : )
yeah, time not enough for me..LOL!
anyway Molly, you've been tagged here.
well...i think money not enough is a more serious issue. lol. with plenty of time and yet no money to spend is very miserable
Tammy - I have not heard of that brand either. My friend told me that it is famous for its blue flame and its technology. Most important thing is, it is not very expensive and is reliable. She has been using it for 20 years and is still in tip top condition.
fongpc - In my case both also not enough. :):)
So, what I am going to do now is no money, find money. No time, find time. Hehe, sound so easy.
Monica - I know you dont have enough time, otherwise you wouldnt be sleeping ssssooo early in the morning every day.
BTW thanks for the tag, but it looks like very complicated. I will try find time :):)
xin - I totally agreed with you. I think money is still more important. If I have money now I can engage some one to shop for me and get what I need without having to hop hop hop.. so tiring. I can imaging how my girldfriend is going thru now.
thats always the way isnt it, you go out looking for something and you can never find it! .. sigh!
hey molly,
have you had any developments with your nuiscance neighbours clothes at all, or is it still ongoing? :(
tina - That's very true.
About my neighbour, I sprinkle salt on my side pretending I am very superstitious. Malay believe salt can get rid of evil. In a way to tell her the dirty drags carry evil. :):) So far no more drags but plenty of cloths which I dont mind at all.
i hope the salt works out for you well then mate. seems to have worked so far ;)
tina - you believe in that too!?
i have heard of it but never tried it to be honest.
It must be something that has worked in the past.I am willing to give anything a try when i need to :)
hi, I have an award for you. Pls collect at my blog here
Tina - Honestly speaking I am a bit worry my neighbour will do something evil to me. Anyway cant worry too much. I depend on my sixth sense and will sprinkle some salt everywhere whenever I feel something is wrong somewhere. :)
fongpc - Thank you for the award, I love it but I will keep it because I have problem with my finger, that is why my blog is idle for so long.
Tina & Molly, mind to share with me the story of the salt (which u were talking about)?
Wow! This brand must be very, very good huh! If not you guys wouldn't be talking about it. =)
jacky - I do think salt can help rid of 'something' sometimes but off course there is no proof at all. When my finger is ok I may want to tell about some of my personal experiences, about supernatural things or superstitious one!!! Hehehehe!!
tekkuas - This is the first time I heard of this brand but my girl friend said it is famous for its blue flame and is not really that expensive, and most important thing is, it is safe. So I thought I could just close my eye and get one. I saw some ad hanging along the highway but just cant find any shop sellin it.
I would worry too, but then maybe they are worried what you will do something too to them perhaps.You never know what people think!
Lets hope they think some sense, and see if they can be a better neighbour to you :)
tina - You are right. Who know the salt may chase the evil from my house and goes over to theirs. May be they are worry about that too. Hahaha my imagination going a little wild now.
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