That is not all. I have lost my sunglasses, now only the casing is left with me!
And, the worst thing is the neighbour starts hanging the dirty drags on the fencing again. Don't you all think that is irritating. I have not built a concrete wall after they stopped me from doing it, and I have tried to be a good neighbour by giving in to them so that they can dry their clothing and not the dirty drags, but what they have done in return again and again? They know I hate that and yet they purposely do that. Each time I see the drags I get really mad and now I feel like xxx at those people. Can any of you feels my anger?

Last time it was the left hand side neighbours showing their unfriendliness and now the right hand side neighbours showing theirs in a different way.
I want to kill, kill, kill.................................... the rats.. the skunk.. the cochroaches.... they are all nuisance. But.. what do they have to do with my neighbours ????? I am out of my mind..
I will definitely built up a concrete wall, AND don't think that is what I want, you ask for it, NEIGHBOURs!!!!!!!!!
I think we have the same stupid neighbour cos mine does the exact same thing!!!
Nick - Is very difficult to tolerate, I am going to explode!!!!
Cool down Molly...and go ahead with the concrete wall!
Oooohhh somebody is really furious n need a break. Stay cool & calm. Breathe in ..count 1 o 10. Still angry..go cangkul your ground to let out fume ..that way u can beautify your garden after the concrete wall is up. take care n take it easy ok. anger will oni trigger toxins in ur system..nt healthy lor!
Monica - I have tried to find an excuse to built the wall but still wonder whether I should go ahead with my plan. I have to be careful, all the neighbours will boy-cot me. And off course I cant tell them I dont mind they boycot me at all. :(:(
renet13 - Thanks for the ideas, I am feeling a little better now. I am doing breath in/out, it does help oh! :):)
Build a really tall one so they can't hang their rags on it!!! They sound like jerks!
molly, I can understand how you feel. Last time I have a neighbour from hell. But we don't dare to fight with them cos the man of the house was mad. He would come out of his house and shout profanities at us in front of everyone! Sometimes, we didn't even know what the hell happened, we didn't even realise how we could have stepped on his tail! You know, I'm not the kind of person to shout profanities, so how to fight?
Everyone saw how we were bullied but nobody dare to help out because this man was crazy and he might just come out with a parang and kill someone!
But if your neighbour is not crazy like mine, then I suggest you don't let them bully you. Yes, build a high wall as suggested by Tammy, so high they will need a ladder to hang their rags. Haha!
build it build it!
you know if that was me cause im slightly evil! ... i would move the bits that were hanging over my bit of the fence back over theirs, so really without your fence bit it couldnt hang cud it? so there stuff wud fall on the floor... whoops!!! hahaha!
Tammy - I will do it but there is a standard height, I cant go higher than that. Have to follow the law otherwise the neighbour can 'hit me back'.
fongpc - As I reply to the comment I am thinking hard whether to built a wall. The last time they hang the rags and dirty shoes, I voiced out and all the neighbours boycot me. I really dont like to go to that extend again.
And I cannot fall into their trap to move away from my own house because infront of my house is a stretch of land for parking, it is very convenient when friends come visiting.
I am also worry that they get crazy like your neighbour.
Aiyoh, I am thinking hard what is the best excuse to give to built a wall.
tina - Building one is no problem but after building may cause me more problem. I have to be very careful when dealing with neighbours that will gang up and boycot me again.
Frankly speaking I turned very evil whenever I see the drags and shoes up there, but I still have to think twice before I act. I am a single mum and I have children to protect and my car park outside, you got what I mean?
Hello Molly
You are all boiled up and frustrated. I don't blame you for such insensitive neighbours hanging their lousy laudry all over the place. It is a real eyesore.
If you have the finance I guess nobody can stop you from putting up the brickwall if it is within your compound. Having said that I think it is still advisable to check with the relevant authorities. Do not be afraid that your neighbours will bycott you. Love them if they are lovable otherwise just ignore them. Take charge of yourself and don't allow someone to frustrate you and get you all worked up.
Life is beautiful enjoy it.
How come the other neighbours would gang up on you? Don't they see it's not right for your neighbour to hang their stuffs on your side of the fence? Maybe you want to try to win your other neighbours' hearts first by making some nice food for them once in a while (since you know how to cook). And once they warm up to you, tell them about your bad neighbour and ask their advice how you should go about dealing with it. With more people on your side, it's easier to do things.
Hope - Actually I have problem building a wall on the left hand side, which she has built half wall, half fencing. A few contractors came and told me unless she agree to let me remove the fencing and put back after I build my wall, but that looks a little difficult. For the right handside I will just have to remove the fencing, is simple but am I too evil to do it against their will... And if I build half brick and half fencing, they still can hang the drags there...
fongpc - Both side neighbours also hang the dirty drags on my side only but they didnt want to offend their other neighbours. Can you see my situation? That's why I felt bullied by them.
You have good ideas, but for me I dont like to gang up with any one. I just think they shouldnt avoid me no matter what happen between me and other neighbours. They should stand in between but not taking side, right?
Hello Molly
Is your wall up yet? Just do it if you have the means.
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