I was not worried earlier and have been travelling to Kuching last month to visit my friends and been to some trade show display centre, visit all PC fair exhibit booths at KL Convention Centre, to PD for a break and to the shopping centre for the BIG sales. All those places were very crowded which I think is not advisable to expose ourselves there.
Now suddenly I am down with flu, cough and sore throat. Although confirmed by the doctor that I have no fever I still worry that the medication may weaken my immune system. Now I have to be very careful with my diet, making doubly sure I eat well and keep physical and mentally strong.
I think I should be staying at home for the time being, and not out to spread the flu to others. So just forget about the grand sales and the MATTA fair which will be starting 4th September at the moment.
Look at the *smart* Orang Utan below, unlike me, they have no health problem, no worry, no pressure, no financial need, just live a carefree and happy life!

Hey Molly, don't panic! Just rest and relax at home and don't forget to drink lots of water. I was unwell last week but I'm much better right now. And yeah, it's better to stay away from public places to avoid spreading or catching viruses from others.
For now, take caare!
take care Molly.. rest well, and pops in more Vit C, should be alright..
If continously high fever for 48 hours, means it might be H1N1. Since you don't have fever, should be okay. Get well soon.
I also think that you should consume more Vitamin C. I've already started taking Vitamin C tablets. Don't worry, be happy!
Have enough rest Molly! Don't think too much. Drink more water. :) If the symptoms persist...go to the Hospital immediately!
hey Molly..dnt worry..those with no comorbids & hav good immunity should recover. Guess what I think all my kids & both me & hubby might hav gtten it , too.though only one of my twins hav all the 3 symtoms & muscle ache. To think positive, at least we nowhav the immunity before the situation gets worse later of the year. Luckiy we recover on time for Matta fair in our area here..take care & speedy recovery to you!
oh no i hope it isnt swine flu. i wonder when this will all end :(
Hi Molly you will be ok take care..
Don't stress yourself out so much. More rest, more water and make sure to take some herbal to strenghten up again. Usually I would suggest chinese doctor over western because a tleast the chinese medicine don't make us weaker while it is trying to heal us inside.
Take cares, and get well soon.
Hi Molly, do take care and wish you speedy recovery. Yeah, envy those orang utans. :)
Since you have no fever, most likely it's not H1N1. But even if it is, don't worry. Most of us can survive the H1N1. Like you said, eat well, have enough rest and be mentally strong. That's the way to go! And besides that, think positive! : )
The orangutan are indeed living a carefree life. Definitely less stress and worries compared to humans. Looks like the more intelligent a species is, the more problems! : )
hi there, take care ya...
if u r not in a high risk group u shouldnt worry too much. just keep out of circulation for a while.
Hi molly,
Get well soon. :D
Thank you so much for dropping a line at my page. have a god one!
hope by now u are alright already :) alot of ppl have been falling sick lately. i had some bad flu and sorethroat last week too. thank god i was alright
get well soon
Get 2 big bottles of distilled water, drink lots of it, you should be ok real fast. Take care, hope you get well soon!
Hope you feel better soon!
How are you now? Hope you are feeling much better. This H1N1 is freaking us all out.. do take care and take note of any changes. :)
Hi Molly, boost up yr immune system and you will be alright. Take care.
Hi Molly, boost up yr immune system and you will be alright. Take care.
Stay quiet at home and let the symptoms subside. Crowds are bad for aggravating the situation. Take care.
Hope you are alright now. Well recovered?
Hi Molly, Thanks for your comments. No worries..stay at home and rest well. You'll be fine. :)
Hi! a few days didn't see any movement in your blog. How are you getting on? better?
take vit C, drink more water and sleep well. Be confident & you will get well soon.
Good luck!
Hope you are ok by now!
how are you now?
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